Statement on the Futures Commission Report

HomeBase supports the CDC based recommendations from the Cincinnati Futures Commission Report

 April 11th, 2024  


HomeBase Statement on the Cincinnati Futures Commission Report

HomeBase Cincinnati would like to thank the Futures Commission for lifting up the instrumental work of Cincinnati Community Development Corporations (CDCs) in creating vibrant and healthy neighborhoods. 

CDCs create affordable and market rate housing across the City. CDCs are economic developers, coalescing resources and support for small businesses and revitalizing business districts.  CDCs implement public safety measures for their community’s residents and increase community health through creating fresh food access and providing financial literacy opportunities to residents, amongst many other place-making efforts. Simply put, CDCs are building thriving places in our City’s neighborhoods that people want to live, work, and play near.

HomeBase welcomes, and is encouraged by, the recognition from the Cincinnati Business Community of the crucial direct link between the work that CDCs do in our neighborhoods, and the broader goal to revitalize more Cincinnati neighborhoods. 

We are pleased to see that the report is in alignment with the recommendations from our recently completed CDC Capacity analysis that examined strengthens and opportunities analysis of our local community development ecosystem. HomeBase agrees with the Commission’s recommendation of increased Operational Support for CDCs, as that will lead to increased talent attraction and retention in our City and increased investments in our CDCs, that work tirelessly to raise the quality of life in our City’s neighborhoods.

HomeBase further supports the Commission’s recommendations to increase funding for neighborhood growth, affordable housing, and site development with our incredible partners in this work, both The Port and the Cincinnati Development Fund. 


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